BC Waldorf Schools are committed to providing a safe learning environment for students including times when students will be in transport to off site school sanctioned activities. This policy serves as a guide to student safety when use of transportation is necessary to carry out the learning intention. Scope This policy pertains to all students, faculty, staff, and volunteers who use approved transportation as part of their school, work or volunteer opportunities/duties. Policy Statement This policy serves to provide guidelines that ensure the safety of students and faculty while using approved transportation for the purpose of school instruction and/or extracurricular or school sanctioned activities. Approved transportation includes privately owned vehicles, school owned bus transportation services, and third-party bus transportation services. This policy includes vehicle evacuation drill procedures. The BC Waldorf Collective Emergency Management Policy covers procedures for responding to emergencies. In the event of an emergency while in transport, school employees and volunteers will follow the BC Waldorf Collective Emergency Management Policy. Procedures Training and Drills Drivers Volunteer drivers of privately owned vehicles and bus drivers will have an appropriate driver’s licence and do not require additional training in this regard. In line with the BC Waldorf Collective Students Supervision Policy, any volunteer drivers who will be alone with students during their work as a volunteer will be required to provide the school with a Criminal Record Check before embarking on any field trips. The use of third party bus services requires the driver to provide a review of safety procedures with passengers at the start of each return trip. Procedures will include identification of emergency doors and exits. Students For privately owned vehicles and school owned buses, students will receive training in, or review of, vehicle evacuation procedures twice each school year. Drills will include best practice aspects such as ‘listen (for instruction), look (for potential dangers), and leave (open the door and exit the vehicle)’, as well as expectations for muster (assemble in a quiet, still, line-up near supervising adult). The evacuation procedure of school owned buses may include the use of emergency door exit and will require specific training. The following training video will serve as a resource: Bus Evacuation Drills for Students Staff The Principal or delegate is responsible for managing and maintaining training and practice drill logs for the school. Transportation Safety Forms Transportation Safety Forms are available as an option in the Employees policy section, #506. BC Waldorf Collective - AWNSA Registered Initiative, Associate, and Full Member Waldorf Schools of BC