BC Waldorf Schools commit to ensuring the safety of students at school events. This policy provides relevant information, protocols and procedures. Policy Statement BC Waldorf Schools commit to supervising students in their care, according to this policy. This policy applies whether the students are on campus, on field trips during school days, or on an overnight school sanctioned event. Some BC Waldorf Schools provide supervision before and after school. On Campus Supervision BC Waldorf School faculty, staff, volunteers, or a combination of these supervise students on campus. Supervision covers the school property during the school day and all school breaks (i.e. recesses) and for some BC Waldorf Schools, a portion of time prior to school start time and after school ending time. BC Waldorf Schools will share school specific Student Supervision Protocols in Parent Handbooks. Field Trips BC Waldorf School’s design unique field trips based on location, culture, programming, needs of the students, and teacher interest. Each school’s code of conduct is in effect for students during school events and students will be reminded of guidelines and expectations before embarking on any field trips. School specific procedures may contain provisions whereby students may be denied attendance from field trips if they are deemed to have behavioural concerns or present a potential safety risk. In such cases, arrangements shall be made for students not participating in the excursion, such as provision for appropriate and related schoolwork or experience, and alternate school supervision, if necessary, and possible. Field trips of BC Waldorf Schools require school specific permission forms for every student who attends and will include details about provisions for medical needs should these apply. School field trip supervisors must have a cell phone or other communication device with them while on supervision duty. Volunteer supervisors, including volunteer drivers, who will be alone with students, for any length of time, will have a Criminal Record Check on file at the school prior to embarking on any field trip. Day field trips The field trip Supervisor (teacher who organized the event) will ensure that there is adequate supervision based on the type of trip and the needs of the class. The Supervisor will submit a Field Trip Proposal Form to the Principal that provides a risk assessment of, and permission for the trip as well as information about supervision. See Appendix for Risk Assessment Code Matrix. Note: Volunteer Supervisors may include teachers, EA’s, other staff & volunteers. Overnight field trips School overnight field trips of BC Waldorf Schools often begin in Grade 3 and continue through to the end of the grades. Field Trip Supervisors will ensure adequate supervision plans based on the type of trip and the needs of the class. Supervisors will submit the Field Trip Approval Form as above. Overnight supervision will consider the age and needs of the students and risk assessment. Once approved, overnight field trip details will be communicated to parents according to school specific procedures. Supervision Ratio For students registered in BC Waldorf School pre-kindergarten Early Childhood Education programs, the minimum adult-to-student supervision ratio to be maintained is set by the Child Care Licensing Regulation. For all other students, the suggested adult to student supervision ratio should range from 1:10 to 1:15 and is dependent on inherent risk. This ratio is a general guideline and may vary, at the discretion of the Principal of a specific BC Waldorf School, depending on circumstances.
Provisions for Medical Issues Students who require special consideration as a result of a physical or medical issue will be noted on the Field Trip Approval Form, and appropriate provisions will be made. A Medication Permission Form is required for students requiring the administration of medication while on a school trip, including epi-pen for possible anaphylaxis response. School specific procedures will address the storage and transportation of any approved medications. Instructions on use will be provided by parents as part of the Medical Permission Form. Please see the BC Waldorf Collective policy #201 entitled Anaphylaxis Policy for more information. Communications Management of Emergencies It is possible that an emergency occurs while on a field trip. Major emergency management protocols are listed in the BC Waldorf Collective policy #204/403 entitled Emergency Management Policy. For the purpose of this policy, emergency management will include localized emergencies such as injury, allergic reaction, or severe breach in code of conduct. When these emergencies occur while on a BC Waldorf School field trip the Supervisor/Teacher becomes the Incident Commander and will direct other adult supervisors as needed. Actions a supervisor may take include but are not limited to the following:
If an event is deemed an emergency by the Supervisor, and after the immediate response, a call will be made to the Principal and to the student’s parents to inform them of the emergency. It may be necessary to arrange for the parents to pick the child up from the field trip. Following the emergency, as soon as possible, the supervisor will fill out an Incident Report Form that captures the nature and details of the emergency. The Incident Report Form will be shared with the parents of the student(s) involved in the emergency as well as stored at the school. Parents will be invited to ask questions and review the Incident Report with the Principal and/or Supervisor. Appendix Risk Assessment Code Matrix: https://www.bia.gov/sites/bia.gov/files/assets/public/pdf/idc-017618.pdf BC Waldorf Collective - AWNSA Registered Initiative, Associate, and Full Member Waldorf Schools of BC