BC Waldorf Schools encourage international students to apply for eligibility to learn and grow at their schools. This policy aims to support the process of determining the eligibility of non-resident international students to attend those BC Waldorf Schools that offer international student enrolment. This policy links to legislation and guidelines set out in the BC MInistry of Education’s International Student Grad Credit policy and BC K-12 International Student Homestay Guidelines. Find further information about International Students in school specific Homestay Policies and BC Waldorf Collective International Student Grad Credit Policy. Scope This policy pertains to international high school boarding students and international students in K-12 and their parents/guardians. This policy does not apply to students in exchange programs or long-term international students. Policy Statement BC Waldorf Schools recognize the value of having international students in their schools. International students bring the opportunity for cultural and language enrichment of the school population and a fuller understanding of cultures from other countries. BC Waldorf Schools have much to offer international students such as academic and social learning opportunities, community engagement, and BC cultural immersion. Definitions
Procedures Admission
Responsibilities Legal Guardians It is the responsibility of the applicant’s legal guardian(s) to complete the following:
Admissions Personnel It is the responsibility of the specific school’s Admissions Personnel to ensure the school’s admissions process is followed. Homestay plays a pivotal role in an international student’s experience. BC Waldorf Schools are committed to high-quality homestay experiences for all international students. Admissions Personnel will adhere to the Homestay Policy that reflects BC K-12 International Homestay Guidelines. In addition to pertinent Homestay information and agreements, Admissions Personnel will share the following documents with International Students enrolled for 6 months or longer:
Homestay Families It is the responsibility of the Host/Homestay family to adhere to the Homestay Policy. Any breach in the policy could result in dismissal of agreement. Principal The decision to deny admissions or dismiss a student is at the discretion of the Principal of the specific BC Waldorf School. Some BC Waldorf Schools have high schools. When a school includes a high school it is the responsibility of the Principal, or delegate, to follow the International Student Graduation Credit Policy. Resources WelcomeBC BC Waldorf Collective - AWNSA Registered Initiative, Associate, and Full Member Waldorf Schools of BC