BC Waldorf Collective policies are required to have a similar format for consistency and ease of use. This policy describes how all policies are to be created and how to fill out the template. Policy Statement When creating policies use the template: 100 - Policy Manual Procedures Policy. The header will contain the BC Waldorf Collective logo with footer description and page numbers. The title of the document will have the policy number, name, and version number. The top of the template will have the policy identification table. Procedures Policy Identification Table Policy Name The policy name heading will be in bold, beginning with capital letters in the Arial 8 font and followed by a colon. The policy name should be a maximum of 35 characters and in bold, beginning with capital letters using the Arial 12 font. Policy Number New policies will be numbered using the section number where the policy will be stored followed by the next unused sequential number in that section. Sections are 100, 200, 300, 400, etc. The policy number heading should be in bold, beginning with capital letters in the Arial 8 font and followed by a colon. The policy number should be in bold in the Arial 10 font. Policy Sections are divided as follows: 100 - Administrative 200 - Health and Safety 300 - Student Life 400 - Community 500 - Employees AWSNA Policies and Practices This section states which AWSNA Policies and Practices area the policy pertains to. The AWSNA Policies and Practices Area heading should be in bold, capital letters to begin, in the Arial 8 font and followed by a colon. The principle number should be in bold and in the Arial 10 font. See Appendix (pp. 3-5) for more information about Policies and Practices Areas. Version and Approval Date The version heading should be in bold in the Arial 8 font and the version number should be in bold in the Arial 10 font. The version will change sequentially if a new policy is approved (e.g. v1, v2). The previous policy will be stored separately. The date heading should be in bold in the Arial 8 font. The date is the date the policy was approved by the BC Collective. The date should be in bold in the Arial 10 font. Policy Body Rationale The Rationale is a short summary used to describe why the policy is required and a link to related legislation. The heading will be in bold, underlined and in the Arial 12 font. The body of the statement will be in Arial 11 font. Scope The scope describes who the policy affects and in some cases information about when and where the policy is effective.The heading will be in bold, underlined and in the Arial 12 font. The body of the statement will be in Arial 11 font. Policy Statement The policy statement is a statement of official position that the BC Waldorf Collective takes on the subject. The heading will be in bold, underlined and in the Arial 12 font. The body of the statement will be in Arial 11 font. Definitions The Definitions section is a short summary explaining any specific terms, abbreviations, or official language requiring an explanation that is used within the policy. Not all policies will require a definition section. The heading will be in bold, underlined and in the Arial 12 font. The body of the statement will be in the Arial 11 font. Procedures The policy procedures are used to fully describe the policy and how it is to be used. The procedures are the roadmap for use of the policy. The heading will be in bold, underlined and in the Arial 12 font. The body of the statement will be in the Arial 11 font. BC Waldorf Collective - AWNSA Registered Initiative, Associate, and Full Member Waldorf Schools of BC