BC Waldorf Schools recognize that individual teachers, support staff, administrators and principals each play a critical role in the delivery of sound educational programs. It is the belief that evaluations will assist employees in the realization of their full potential; recognizing their strengths and identifying areas for growth and support. This policy is created with the understanding that a comprehensive evaluation process will enhance professional growth and confidence and will mutually benefit both employees and students. Scope This policy pertains to all employees of BC Waldorf Schools as well as Boards of Directors. Policy Statement BC Waldorf Schools shall provide an evaluation process that is fair and just. The evaluation of an employee’s performance shall be conducted in an atmosphere of trust, confidence, and support to the greatest extent possible. Each BC Waldorf School will have their own school specific evaluation practices, procedures and schedules aligned with this policy. Overall performance shall be considered in evaluations. The outcome of an evaluation shall become part of the employee’s performance record. Procedures Teachers and Support Staff The Principal, or delegate, is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the evaluation of teaching and learning support staff according to the school specific procedure for evaluations. Each BC Waldorf School Principal, or delegate, shall ensure that evaluations of teaching and learning support staff are conducted according to the school specific evaluation schedule. Evaluations may include but are not limited to the following elements:
School specific procedures will address and describe the types of support that are available to teachers or learning support staff. Support may include but is not limited to:
School specific procedures will address and describe the possible outcomes of an evaluation of concern including the process of termination. Principals, Management and Administrative Staff The Board or delegates, are responsible for ensuring the implementation of the evaluation of the principal, managers and administrative staff according to school specific procedures for evaluations. Each BC Waldorf School Board, or delegate, shall ensure that evaluations of the principal, managers and administrative staff are completed according to the school specific schedule for evaluations. Evaluations of the Principal, Management and Administrative Staff may include but are not limited to the following elements:
School specific procedures will address and describe the types of support available to the principal, managers and administrative staff and will address and describe possible outcomes of an evaluation of concern including the process of termination. Board of Directors Principals, or Management or Administrative staff, only have the opportunity to be successful if they have a high functioning board. It is recommended that a Board is evaluated as often as the principal. Evaluations of the Board may include but are not limited to the following elements:
BC Waldorf Collective - AWNSA Registered Initiative, Associate, and Full Member Waldorf Schools of BC