For the purpose of this policy BC Waldorf Schools commit to following Student Records: Requirements and Best Practice Guidelines for Independent Schools.
The purpose of this policy is to determine procedures for the collection of student information and its storage, use, disclosure, transfer and protection. Policy Statement
The Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) came into effect on January 1, 2004. The following three principles in PIPA apply to all BC Independent Schools regarding Student Records:
Personal information means any information about an identifiable individual, as further defined under British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act or other applicable laws. Personal information excludes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business email, and business fax number of an individual, as well as any publicly available information as designated under applicable laws, such as information available from a public telephone directory or from a public registry. Parent means the parent, guardian, or other legal representatives of a student. Student means a current or past student of a BC Waldorf School. Student record refers to the Permanent Student Record (PSR) and additional items placed in student records as described below. Procedures
This policy defines guidelines for five areas under the following headings:
PART I - Permanent Student Record
The following items make up a student’s Permanent Student Record (PSR):
PSR (Form 1704) Inclusions
Inclusions are documents (or copies) used to plan or support a student’s educational program. Not all students will have inclusions. Inclusions are listed in the “Inclusion Section” on Form 1704, noting date entered, title and expiry/rescinded date (if applicable). If the space for inclusions becomes full, it may be necessary to create a second portion and attach it to the form for future additions. Documents listed as PSR inclusions on Form 1704 become components of the PSR and are to be transferred with Form 1704 if the student enrolls at another school. Required Inclusions
The following items must be filed with Form 1704, and dated and listed as an inclusion in the appropriate section on Form 1704, for any student to whom they may apply:
Optional Inclusions
The following optional inclusions will not be listed on Form 1704.
BC Waldorf Schools will include these items as additional items (defined in Part II). PART II - Additional Student Record Items
In addition to the PSR, other items must and may be included in student records. Student and parental/legal guardian information are required. The location of all current students’ PSRs and additional items will be in one paper file that is locked in a fireproof cabinet and/or digital files. A. Additional Items Required Items The following items must be included in student records to meet independent school inspection/ funding requirements and student safety/emergency standards:
Optional Items The following items will be included in the additional items according to school policy:
NOTE: To determine the appropriateness of including information in a student’s file, ask the following question: Is this necessary or clearly helpful for educators to know when working for the benefit of this student? All documents entered into student records will have the date recorded on them and whenever possible be signed by the appropriate person. B. Sensitive Information “Sensitive information” is information which requires that school staff observe a high level of confidentiality, such as:
If sensitive information is placed in a school record, the following handling procedures apply:
PART III - Access and Disclosure of Student Records
BC Waldorf Schools’ policies and procedures ensure the confidentiality of information contained in a student’s record and we strive to maintain privacy for all students and their families. While disclosures may be made to parents/guardians regarding their children/students, disclosures will not be made that would reveal private information about other students or individuals. A student capable of exercising PIPA rights and parents/guardians of a student should be permitted (unless restricted by a court order) to:
When applicable, graduating students will be provided with interim and/or final transcripts for Grades 10, 11 and 12 courses when graduating, and upon future request of the graduate. Copies will be mailed directly to institutions of higher learning or as requested by the graduate. BC Waldorf Schools reserve the right to assess a reasonable fee for transcript requests. Further directives relating to the examination of student records can be found in the Student Records Order (s.3). BC Waldorf Schools will not withhold report cards from students and parents as leverage to collect tuition arrears or for other purposes. Students have earned their marks and have a right to receive them. Parents have a right to view and receive copies of student records which include current and past report cards. In addition to parents/guardians and students, access to student records should only be granted, upon the assurance of confidentiality to:
If a student’s parents are separated or divorced, school staff may receive requests from the non-custodial parent for student record information or for visits with the student at the school. In these cases, BC Waldorf Schools will confirm the entitlement of the non-custodial parent to obtain such information or to have contact with the student. This will include reviewing applicable court orders respecting custody of, and access to the student and other relevant documents. The custodial parent should be notified of a non-custodial parent’s request for student information or for contact with the student at the school. If BC Waldorf Schools are unsure as to the legal entitlement of the non-custodial parent or if there is serious conflict between the parents with respect to the request, then the schools shall obtain legal advice from their Society’s legal counsel. PART IV - Transfer and Retention of Student Records
BC Waldorf Schools will retain permanent student records for 55-years from the date on which the student withdraws or graduates from school either digitally or in a locked storage unit on school grounds unless otherwise arranged. Additional required items will be retained and stored in the same way for 1-year. On receipt of a request from a school, school board or school authority in British Columbia where the student is enrolled, BC Waldorf Schools will transfer, at a minimum, the student’s Permanent Student Record to the requesting school, board or authority as well as two years of student reports. BC Waldorf Schools will retain a copy of the Form 1704, indicating the school and date where and when the PSR was sent. NOTE: If an independent school enrolling a student requests the student’s record from a public school, the public school must transfer a copy of the Permanent Student Record and current Student Learning Plan and IEP to the requesting independent school. The original Permanent Student Record will be retained by the public school (Public School Minister’s Order entitled Permanent Student Record Order). If the requesting educational institution is outside British Columbia, a photocopy of the PSR should be sent as well as two years of student reports. The original PSR should be retained. A summary of a former student’s school progress may be provided to prospective employers, at the written request of a former student. BC Waldorf Schools reserve the right to assess a fee for this service. NOTE: A report to a child protection social worker of alleged sexual or physical child abuse made under section 14 of the Child, Family and Community Service Act should be retained by the independent school in strict confidentiality and the information should not be transferred to another school. Transfer of any sensitive, confidential information should only occur after written, dated and signed parental/ guardian consent has been obtained to do so (other than section 14 reports - see NOTE above). The school should retain written records of all student record transfers (e.g. student name, date of birth, name and address of receiving school and date of record transfer). If a BC Waldorf School closes, the school authority shall transfer PSR’s to the schools in which students will be enrolled to continue their education. All PSR’s not transferred must be sent, within 60 days of the closure of the school, to the Inspector of Independent Schools. Further directives relating to student record transfers can be found in the Student Records Order (s.5). PART V - Updating Permanent Student Records
The following information may be helpful to schools, school authorities and school auditors attempting to verify the eligibility of certain students for provincial operating grants. To be deemed eligible for funding in BC, the student’s parent/legal guardian must be:
The Independent School Regulations section 1 “Interpretation” reads as follows: “eligible student” means a student
“Guardian” means guardian of the person of a child within the meaning of the Family Relations Act; Parent/legal guardian is lawfully in Canada if he/she meets one of the following:
Indicators of “residency” include such criteria as:
Quick Reference Chart
BC Waldorf Collective - AWNSA Registered Initiative, Associate, and Full Member Waldorf Schools of BC