Each BC Waldorf School has their own unique community and expression of Waldorf education. Each school represents a collection of people who seek out a Waldorf learning and/or working environment. BC Waldorf Schools host their own websites to reflect their unique communities. School websites include all relevant information about the school and paint a picture of the school’s culture and expression of Waldorf Education. In British Columbia, Waldorf Schools collaborate whenever possible to learn from and support each other. As Independent Schools licensed under the BC Independent Schools Act, BC Waldorf Schools readily comply with legislative requirements. As collaborators, they host a shared website as a representation of the shared vision for Waldorf Education in BC. Policy Statement School Website Each BC Waldorf School will host their own website and update it as needed. Websites will include contact information as well as, some of the following but not limited to:
Collective Website BCWaldorf.com is a website representing Waldorf schools in BC who have received accreditation from the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) and who voluntarily participate in the Collective. The website hosts landing pages for each school as well as a shared legislative policy manual. The website is managed collectively via the Compliance Administrator and updated as needed. BC Waldorf Collective - AWNSA Registered Initiative, Associate, and Full Member Waldorf Schools of BC