BC Waldorf Schools are committed to the health and safety of their students, faculty, staff and community visitors. BC Waldorf Schools recognize that the use of drugs, tobacco, vapour products, alcohol, and cannabis can have serious effects on students and the learning environment. Accordingly, BC Waldorf Schools are committed to preventing substance use and impairment on school property, and at all times during school hours. This policy does not apply to the ceremonial use of tobacco in or on school property if the ceremonial use of tobacco is approved by a specific school’s Board of Trustees (or delegate) and is performed in relation to a traditional Indigenous cultural activity, or by a prescribed group for a prescribed purpose. This policy reflects adherence to guidelines set out in the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Policy Statement BC Waldorf Schools strictly prohibit students from possessing, manufacturing, selling, distributing, consuming, or using drugs, tobacco, vapour products, or alcohol during school/work/field trip hours, whether on or off school property. The ban also includes parking lots, fields, driveways, courtyards, and private vehicles parked on school properties. For tobacco and vapour products, this ban extends to include all persons on all school properties and field trip locations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Employees, and volunteers may consume legal substances while offsite on sanctioned work breaks during the work day if such use does not result in impairment. Adults may consume alcohol on school grounds at school-sanctioned events and outside of school hours, when in line with school-specific policies and any necessary licensing arrangements. Definitions Drug(s): includes but is not limited to any substance which affects a person’s physical or mental capacity or functioning, which causes a marked change in consciousness, or which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body, and includes both legal and illegal forms of such substances, but does not include medications taken pursuant to a valid prescription, and in accordance with a physician’s directions. Impaired or Impairment: a deterioration or diminishment of an individual’s physiological ability, functioning, judgment, or condition, and includes but is not limited to being unable to function as that individual does under normal or usual conditions, or safely because of intoxication by any substance. Medical cannabis: Medical cannabis refers to the use of cannabis or marijuana, including constituents of cannabis, THC and other cannabinoids, as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy. School Hours: means the hours of the day when a School is open to students whether or not classes are in session, or any time a student is away from a School on a School sanctioned event, including but not limited to times when a student is not actively participating in activities or pursuits organized by a School but is otherwise away from their normal residence due to their involvement in a School sanctioned event. School Property: includes but is not limited to all real or personal property, facilities, land, buildings, parking lots, equipment, and vehicles, whether owned, leased or used by a School and wherever located. Substance Use Disorder: means a condition in which the recurrent use of alcohol, drugs, medication, or any other substance causes impairment of daily life, such as health problems, disability, and failure to meet responsibilities at work, school, or home, and includes the conditions classified as substance use disorders in the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, as amended. Tobacco: means tobacco leaves or products produced from tobacco in any form or for any use. Vapour Products: means a solid, liquid or gas that, on being heated, produces a vapour for use in an e-cigarette, regardless of whether the solid, liquid or gas contains nicotine. Caveats Medication Where a student is required to use medication (including but not limited to medical cannabis) pursuant to a valid prescription and in accordance with a physician’s directions, at a time, whether on or off of School property, that could cause them to be impaired during school hours, the student or their parent/guardian is required to adhere to the following:
Addiction or Substance Use Disorder BC Waldorf Schools understand that certain individuals may develop an addiction or substance use disorder related to their use or consumption of drugs or alcohol and that this may be defined as a disability. Where a student or employee has or suspects they may have an addiction or substance use disorder, and where that addiction or substance use disorder does not render them unable to do so, the student or their parent/guardian, volunteer, or employee, is required to notify the specific school prior to using drugs or alcohol during school hours, whether on or off of school property, and prior to their attending school impaired. No student or employee who discloses an addiction or substance use disorder prior to breaching this Policy will be disciplined because of the disclosure or their involvement in a rehabilitation effort. Accommodation Where a parent/guardian discloses in accordance with this Policy the use of medication that could cause their child to be impaired during school hours, the specific School will work with that individual to determine what, if any, accommodation could reasonably be provided to that individual. Where a student or employee discloses an addiction or substance use disorder prior to breaching this Policy, a School will take reasonable steps to provide accommodations to the point of undue hardship and where it does not infringe on student or employee safety. Steps that a school may take to provide accommodations may include, but is not limited to the following:
The provision of reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities related to the use of medication that could cause them to be impaired, or to persons with an addiction or substance use disorder, requires cooperation and collaboration between the student or employee requesting the accommodation and the specific School. Employees who use medication that could cause them to be impaired during the workday will be subject to a Human Resources Review process according to Standards of Conduct and Employment Laws. BC Waldorf Collective - AWNSA Registered Initiative, Associate, and Full Member Waldorf Schools of BC